Christian Muxica

 cmuxica [at] g [dot] ucla [dot] edu

Hi! I'm a PhD student at UCLA in the department of linguistics. My interests are in sentence processing, language acquisition, and semantics/pragmatics. I have secondary interests in intonation and computational linguistics. Currently, I'm investigating the selection of focus alternatives during real-time comprehension and the role of discourse structure in syntactic bootstrapping. I'm advised by Jesse Harris and Laurel Perkins on these projects respectively. Other mentors in the department include Dylan Bumford, Tim Hunter, and Sun-Ah Jun.

Before coming to Los Angeles, I was a Lab Manager for the XLing Laboratories at UMass Amherst where I earned my undergraduate degree. I was advised by Brian Dillon there. I like to procrastinate by cycling, making music, and staring at my aquarium. Here's what I listened to this week.


Conference Presentations